A downloadable game

Atmospheric exploration game, where you wander around dark environment. You will face traders, obstacles and hostile creatures,  while you travel and find new items. Every item is a worth of a good trade.


Z : confirm / talk
X : cancel / exit
C : ring a bell
Enter : open inventory
Esc : open exit menu

About the game project:

I have been making this game for a while now, and it has gone trough multiple test prototypes. This game here is just a demo and a small portion of the scope I was originally aiming for.  I don't know if I continue this project in this or any form but I like to share at least this idea.
I am more than happy to receive feedback and I hope you have fun paying.


-added more music
-new NPC
-new items
-balanced trade routes
-improved tutorial
-fixed worms

- fixed some missing item info.
- fixed shovel functionality.

Some hints:

While I have made most important information available in game and planed to other information to be more of a mystery for the player to solve, I would like to give some hints to prevent possible frustration. These hints are optional:

- Every trader has 2 things they want and they will trade specific item when receiving one of those items.

-Traders share multiple pieces of information when you talk to them repeatedly.

-Some enemies turn aggressive only when hey are visible to you.

-You can sometimes see lines covering your heart icon (top left) this indicates safe place when a spore storm hits. If you see a skull you are in danger!

-During spore storm there is a chance of one of your inventory items to turn into moss if you are not in a safe place. You can also take damage to your health.

-Your stats are from left to right: health, secret, hunger and social stamina . Secret is most difficult stat to replenish and requires multiple trades.


warmplace_DEMO.zip 23 MB

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